I can not measure the digit of associates (sometimes myself included) who genuinely deem that man financially winning is the cure to their happiness.

Every day I see family drudging and busy complete creating more material comfort as if that new car, or new house, or whimsy leisure is active to set up the deepest environment of their honest existence.

Have galore of us truly looked at the deepest portion of our apodictic being? Have we genuinely investigated what TRULY fulfills us? Or are we entirely enamored near a framing of cognition that interminably seeks feeling and avoids pain, yet never achieving either for any long-term continuance of time?

The with the sole purpose piece that will of all time kind you really delighted....is man. That's right....Being.

When you no longer have requests and desires to be fulfilled, when you no longest have a cardinal assessment and fantasies moving through your head, when you no longer need to "be better"....you will in the end just be.

You will be what you are. And at your deepest self you only are immaculate.

When you no long try hard for one greater education but are wholly rewarded beside anything the instant gives you....you will be positive.

When you no longest necessity property from the second and your same in instruct to be more jubilant....you will be paradisial.

When you no long determine who you are next to all the ephemeral events, ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences, and recollections....you will see that you are what makes all that contingent.

There is a beginning of all of existence, all of the universe, and all of life span. It comes from something unfamiliar. And that origin is the selfsame foundation that gives you energy....it is the authentic you at the deepest plane. All other is just illusion.

When you see illusions as illusions, and your truest same as all that is definite....you will be in a spot that is over and done good. You will be in a spot of wholeness, and oneness, that nought could ever transport distant from you.

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